A Creators Collective In Coburg House, Edinburgh

Coburg House Art & Design Studios, Leith

Why I 💗 Coburg House Art & Design Studios. 

Coburg House is an outstanding collective of contemporary artists, creators, designers and makers, based in a converted former granary, close to The Shore in the heart of Leith.

The Port of Leith lies to the north of Edinburgh City centre, gravitating around the Firth of Forth. It retains many of the features of its maritime history, from its cobbled streets, water front and old docks, to converted warehouses and former bond buildings, and is a lovely area for a spot of exploring.

Set a little back from the main commercial hub, Coburg House has a weekend shop which showcases their makers’ beautiful work and an adjoining gallery with ever changing exhibitions. On the Saturday I visited they had also taken over The Old Custom House Post Office at The Shore for a series of pop up events. Just a few of the Coburg House makers were on display in the shop the day I visited but between them they were showcasing a wonderful, eclectic mix of crafts and designs. 

I was blessed to be able to see Edinburgh silversmith Bryony Knox working on her latest project, a table centrepiece themed around delicately intertwining silver flying fish. A recent sample of her work is below.

Bryony Knox Silversmith, Coburg House
Bryony Knox Silversmith

Bryony creates each unique piece using the ancient art of repousse and chasing. She recently took part in the BBC Victorian House Of Arts and Crafts, and also holds regular courses for those interested in learning her wonderful craft. Have a look at the video showing her at work in her studios (courtesy of Craft Scotland)...

By contrast, and immediately brightly obvious was the charming character work of Clare Hubbard’s Emseeitch, whose cute illustrations feature on a selection of stationary and homewares. Jennifer Colquhoun also had some of her work on display. Her breathtakingly detailed anatomical drawings include her ink studies of Scottish flora and fauna, which she has incorporated into cards and prints.

I was spoilt for choice to see the lovely range of jewellery on offer. This included the delicate work of Fiona Luing and Lorna Hewitt, Jacqueline Bell’s gorgeous stacking rings, and Kaz Robertson’s funky resin pieces. Also on display here were James Donald’s luxurious handwoven award winning lambswool scarves by Pick One. James also co-owns the outlet Concrete Wardrobe on Broughton Street – my Edinburgh home turf and another real hub for independent outlets. Note to put that on my “must see” list.

Despite the choice available at the pop-up shop it seemed remiss not to go along to the permanent shop at Coburg House. Here I was lucky enough to meet Will Morris, comic artist and illustrator, and browse through his eclectic collection of books.

The calibre and quality of makers at Coburg House is absolutely second to none. With over eighty crafters in residence, these are just a few the wonderful talents who were on display, and more can be seen in their regular shop and gallery.

When Is It On
The shop (and gallery) is open on Saturdays and Sundays from 11am to 4pm. There are bi-annual "open house" events which are a must see - the next on 27th and 28th July 2019 - more about the event here.

15 Coburg Street, Edinburgh, EH6  6ET
Link to map here.

How To Get There
There are a good network of buses running from Edinburgh city centre to Leith. Metered parking is available in the surrounding streets, and there is a carpark behind the commercial buildings, off Dock Place.

Coffee Stop
The Leith Market runs every Saturday between in Dock Place and offers a great range of local produce and crafts. More to follow in a future post. The Bearded Barista was there the day I visited, so I was able to enjoy a freshly brewed long black while watching the passers-by. For a weekday option, Custom Lane, a converted bond building to the rear of Dock Place, also has a funky exhibition space with a coffee shop. 

Leith Saturday Market, Edinburgh
Leith Market

While You Are There
No visit to Leith is complete without a wander around The Shore, to take in the riverfront views, independent shops, bars, galleries and amazing eateries. Other places to see in Leith are in my blog post here.

For those wanting to to stretch their legs, The Water of Leith Walkway runs to Leith from the centre of Edinburgh, and is a lovely leafy stroll along the river. Details and a map can be found here. Have a look out for the Anthony Gormley sculpture figures, set in prominent points along the route. 


I struck it lucky the day I was visited, the whole area was a buzz of artist, designer, maker, foodie and architecture heaven. That said, even without their one-off pop up shop, The Coburg House Studios are a must see. As well as their regular shop, their “open doors” events also run twice a year, with the next on 27 and 28 July 2019, and I’m wholly planning to return back then. 

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Credit To:

Coburg House Art Studios
Coburg House


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